Special items Propeller, Rocket, Bomb and Color Ball power-ups can be made by matching Cubes, purchased with coins before starting a level, or earned as rewards.

When a group of Cubes is large enough to get an item, the center part of all the Cubes in the group indicates what special item you will get if you pop that group!

Propeller clears a random item. Match 4 cubes of the same color to create it. Propeller also clears neighboring tiles.

Rocket clears all items in a column or a row depending on which direction it is pointed. Match 5 or 6 cubes of the same color to create it.

Bomb clears the items within a three-tile radius. Match 7 or 8 cubes of the same color to create it.

Color Ball clears all items of the same color. Match 9 or more cubes of the same color to create it.

You can even make combos by matching two items together, such as Rocket + Bomb, to clear an even larger area!